Hi I was just reading through this article & remarks about the end of Triple minutes for life and I think there may be a couple things I could add which may be useful for a lot of. Tracfone has its strengths but consistency in messaging isn’t one of these and it is not unheard of for problems to occur like customers minutes/texts/data not being properly moved or even instantly disappearing. Their system can be buggy to state the least. I hope this is useful.
3. Forms send people to thank you pages, which can provide more calls and messaging to action. 4. Forms send visitors auto-response email messages, again, more messaging and CTAs. 5. Forms can save submissions into a database in case email doesn’t get through. 6. Forms can hook up to marketing automation and other systems.
7. Forms can ask specific questions and route submissions to specific people, depending on the answers. 8. Email links are spam magnets. So leave that email link out of your footer! Actually, I don’t recommend placing a contact hyperlink on your website anywhere. This site has great copywriting, but a contact would have been better than the email link.
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Place information is something that site visitors expect to find in footers. It’s ways to show Google what your location is also, which is very important to businesses with local customers. Linking to the map is a helpful way to help visitors find you. When programmed properly, this map hyperlink turns into a large fingertip-size button for mobile guests, bringing up the map app on their phone or tablet.
Like the address, a phone number with an area code is evidence to Google that you’re a local business. And like the map button, a telephone number should automatically change into a clickable button when viewed on the mobile device. Where your footer can save falling guests Here’s. If they’ve made it down this far, they must not have found what they were looking for.
Time to offer some more options. The previous few years have seen the “extra fat was called with a usability development footer,” which means adding more than just the typical items in the above list, starting with navigation. Footers now often support the same links you’d find in a “mega-menu” dropdown in the header navigation. But this doesn’t always save a visitor falling down your web page. Remember, these are guests who didn’t find out what these were looking for above.