Calling all outdoors-loving list-makers! I don’t know about you, but I make lists. I’ve lists of books to learn, topics to write about, visits to keep. A variety of lists on a variety of scrap paper, sticky pads, dried out erase planks and notebook web pages of things I don’t want to neglect. A lot of pragmatic and dull stuff often. Stuff that sometimes makes me groan just looking at the list.
But that’s not the sort of list-making, I want to discuss. No, I wish to talk about the fun stuff! Definitely, the best lists that I keep having game titles like, “Trails to hike” and its own partner, “Trails I’ve hiked.” I’m even toying with the idea of starting a “Mountains to Climb” list, though nothing too technical. I’m not only a list-maker, you see, I’m a lover of the great outdoors, of adventure, and of goal-setting. When I set a new goal for myself, I get all giddy and excited, and life takes on a complete new meaning.
I have something to shoot for and fun likely to do, and I love the process of reaching those goals just as much as the sensation of examining something off a list. It’s also my way of remaining motivated to exercise. So will this appear to be you, too? If so, you’ve halted by the right place.
The pursuing are a handful of outdoor experience goals — some big and perhaps out of our comfort areas, others not quite so ambitious or gutsy — plus some folks who’ve accomplished or are striving to accomplish them. The Appalachian Trail (A.T.) –The Pacific Crest Trail (PCT) –The Continental Divide Trail (CDT).
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An end-to-end hike of anybody of these paths within a season is known as a thru-hike. Each year in recent times, between two and four hundred folks have effectively completed Appalachian Trail thru-hikes, while the quantity is usually significantly less than 200 for the PCT and significantly fewer on the more remote CDT. Meanwhile, greater quantities are hiking sections of these trails–thus called “section-hikers” –with the goal of piecing them collectively to eventually complete them end to end.
Completing anybody of the or other long trails is a superb goal and an excellent accomplishment in and of itself. Sometimes, though, the long-distance backpacking bug bites and doing just one single isn’t enough. Eventually, when a habitual hiker completes the A.T., PCT, and CDT, either as thru-hikes or in sections, that person is then known as a Triple-Crowner. Of December As, 2008, approximately 92 people are recognized to have accomplished that goal.
Only the business known as ALDHAWest (or Appalachian Long Distance Hikers Association, Western States Chapter) officially recognizes the “Triple Crown” achievement and, operating on the honor system, awards plaques to the people who apply for the position. However, the non-public satisfaction, not to mention valuable memories and moments, of experiencing and completing these trails is certainly what it’s all about. My favorite Triple-Crowner is a female known as Yogi, who thru-hiked the A.T.
A Triple Crown in a single Year! Have a look at this informative article about “Flyin'” Brian Robinson, year the first person to complete a Triple Crown in one calendar. I know some folks frown on any type of “speed record” attempts when it comes to hiking or backpacking, but no matter one’s opinion on that matter, walking 7,400 miles in 10 months is quite the feat. Not forgetting tough on your feet! Discover more about the Triple Crown award and find out lists of those who’ve received it by you.
For information on hiking the A.T., visit the website of the ATC, “a volunteer-based business dedicated to the preservation and management of the natural, scenic, historical, and cultural resources associated with” the path. The Pacific Crest Trail is one of the best trail experiences on the planet. We’re on the mission to protect it permanently.